by Harold and Bette Gillogly ANGER – Turn on the news. Venture into the caustic world of social media. It’s everywhere! People are angry… some for very good reasons. And some for very bad reasons. Anger is a tricky emotion, that’s why the Scriptures say a lot about it. Take a look at Ephesians 4:26 through […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly Feelings of forgiveness do not happen in a vacuum. We don’t wake up one morning and say, “I’m not going to feel resentment toward that person who hurt me anymore.” Shazam! Nope. Doesn’t happen that way. Our emotions change as we change our behavior. We can’t simply say. We have […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly We talked about the first kind of forgiveness in our last two blogs: “to cancel a debt, to pardon.” Today we’re going to explore the second kind, and we want to warn you, this one is harder than the first. The second kind of forgiveness means “to relinquish resentment against […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly Forgiving someone – that is canceling their debt and pardoning their guilt – doesn’t always mean we can save them from the consequences of their offences. Here’s an example of what we’re talking about: One afternoon, our high school daughter came to us crying. She had skipped school that day […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly There are two different kinds of forgiveness. Wow! Who knew? First, it means “to cancel a debt, to pardon or remit guilt.” That’s probably what you always thought it meant. Right? The second kind of forgiveness is “to relinquish resentment against the debtor.” This second meaning is harder to understand, […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Ever wonder why “deadly sins” are called “deadly sins”? It must be because they are …well …deadly. Capable of destroying you. Take for instance, PRIDE. It might just be the deadliest of all sins. Why do you think that is? In Proverbs 6:16-19, God lists 7 things He hates, and […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly So you chose to forgive, but you still don’t have those “forgivey feelings”? You didn’t wake up one morning and say, “I’m not going to feel resentment toward that guy anymore”? That’s because it simply doesn’t happen that way. Want to know the secret to “feeling forgivey”? Your feelings will […]
By Harold & Bette Gillogly Some days everything bothers me. Like a pebble in my shoe. And I’m just irritable… grumpy at everybody. Can you identify? By evening, I’m left with a wasted day. I let little irritations enslave me and steal all my joy. And I was a generous grump, spreading irritableness in my […]
Forgiveness…might just be the most beautiful word in the English language. Since all we wrote about last month was fighting and anger, fuedin’ and fussin,’ it’s about time to talk about how to stop all that and find resolution and reconciliation. And that’s where forgiveness comes in. You see, if we don’t forgive, the acid […]
by Harold & Bette Gillogly The teacher was blunt, her words cruel. “He has too many learning disabilities. It’s a waste of time for him to even attend school here.” Later, Ralph Showers overheard his Grandmother soothing his parents with this great declaration. “I don’t know what people think of Ralph. But I know what […]