By Harold Gillogly We see how we appreciate things once we do without them for some period of time. Consider how you feel when the electric power comes back on after spending hours or days without it. Or if you are so thirsty for a long time, how wonderful is it to then get that […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly It wasn’t a “dark and stormy night,” but it sure was a long and scary one. Our first night home after Bette’s knee replacement surgery was very strange, as well. Her temperature spiked, which caused the scary part, as she experienced delirium…she was convinced there was a bird sitting on […]
Part 2, The Flags of the Spiritby Harold and Bette Gillogly Red Flag – Stop! Something is wrong! Green Flag – You are going in the right direction. It’s safe to keep going! These are the Flags we’ve been finding as we’ve journeyed through Ephesians, chapter 5, for as verse 15 warns us: “Be careful […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Making love last forever. That’s what you want, isn’t it? And everything that comes with it? So what’s the secret? Putting the right ingredients in gives the right results out! We talked last week about the first two essential ingredients you need to use. So let’s get right into the […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Last week we talked about how putting the right ingredients in will give you the right results out. Simple principle, but it works. We promised to let you in on the 8 ingredients that makes love last forever. So here are the first two. The first and most important – […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly There’s a reason we are so passionate about our book Experiencing Oneness. According to a Focus on the Family study, couples who regularly read the Bible together, pray together and attend church together have a dramatically low divorce rate — only 1 out of @ 1000. Our goal is to […]
by Patrick & Dwaina Six We have heard it too many times. Maybe you’ve heard it or even said it: “My spouse just isn’t meeting my needs….” Some have even interpreted a popular marriage book on “needs” to mean that it is your partner’s responsibility to meet all your needs. We all do have […]
Loving Like God Is Actually Good for You by Harold and Bette Gillogly It’s outrageous how much God loves us! And even more outrageous that He expects us to love like He loves! WHAT? Love like God loves? Impossible, you say. But it can’t be impossible if that’s what He expects, can it? Maybe we […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Can you imagine a tongue screw becoming a symbol of integrity? It became so in the city of Antwerp, Holland in the year 1577. Hans Bret, a young bakery worker, lived in Antwerp with his widowed mother during a time of perilous Protestant persecution in Europe. Hans was an eager […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly As a child, did you ever sing, “The wise man built his house upon the rock…and the rains came tumbling down. The rains came down and the floods came up…but the house on the rock stood firm”? As you pounded one fist upon the other and wiggled your fingers in […]