by Harold and Bette Gillogly Assumptions will kill your relationships! Assumptions like, “She just said that to hurt me.” “He did that because he doesn’t care what I think.” “We can’t talk about it because she (he) will just get mad and we’ll end up in a fight. So why bother?” It’s not just that […]
A Study of B-O-B HOPE Part 3 – The Benefits of Our Hope By Harold and Bette Gillogly We have looked at the Basis of HOPE and the Operation of HOPE. Now it’s time to finish our B–O–B HOPE Study with Part 3 – the Benefits of HOPE. BENEFITS – What wonderful benefits does God have […]
A Study of B-O-B HOPE Part 2 – The Operation of Our Hope By Harold and Bette Gillogly Welcome to Part 2 of our study on HOPE. In the first part, we looked deep into Scripture to find out about our Basis of HOPE – what we should and should not base our HOPE on. […]
A Study of B-O-B HOPE Part 1 – The Basis of Our HOPE By Harold and Bette Gillogly When most people talk about HOPE, they really mean “wish.” Like “I wish a bus would come by.” But when the Bible talks about HOPE, it’s talking about confidently waiting for God. So HOPE says, “I am […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly I was on the phone making an appointment for a medical test I needed. Harold was sitting close enough to hear the conversation. Monday morning, three weeks away, was the earliest appointment available, so I took it. Harold said softly, “It has to be Monday?” I assumed he meant […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Conflict is exhausting! It’s depressing! It’s a joy-stealer! So, do you want to conquer it? How badly? The Bible has the secret to conquering conflict, but it’s going to cost you. The real question is: are you willing to pay the price to conquer conflict in your marriage? If you […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Ok, we’re going to get real honest here. Sometimes our prayer life gets ho-hum…same-o, same-o. Does yours ever seem that way? We wish we could say that we are always pro-active and take immediate action to do something about it. But the truth is, this time we became challenged one […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly What makes a husband back away and seem distant? What makes him stop listening and maybe even stubbornly dig his heels in deeper? Here’s one possible answer. Not the only one, but one you as his wife need to consider. He might just be sick and tired of you telling […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly It wasn’t a “dark and stormy night,” but it sure was a long and scary one. Our first night home after Bette’s knee replacement surgery was very strange, as well. Her temperature spiked, which caused the scary part, as she experienced delirium…she was convinced there was a bird sitting on […]
by Harold & Bette Gillogly With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you may be stumped about what to do for that grand gesture of love for your wife or husband. You are not alone. Most of us are just not romantically creative! And like the title says, flowers and chocolates have probably become same-o, […]