By Harold & Bette Gillogly Why pray when you can worry? Say what? Yes, we know it’s backwards, but it gets the point across. It’s downright foolish to waste time worrying, when you could be doing something that could change the whole situation. Right? It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But sometimes, we just can’t […]
Boy, don’t you wish you had the faith of Moses? And don’t you wish you could say you have a heart after God’s own heart like David? And how about Paul? Talk about courage and boldness and faithfulness! I wish I were more like the Apostle Paul. Don’t you? Watch video. But on the other […]
Don’t worry about anything. Well, that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? There is so much to worry about right now! Just look around. A lot of people have lost their jobs, their businesses. They are feeling hopeless and see no end to this horrible pandemic. Many are sick. Some have died. So how can […]
by Bob & Yvonne Turnbull Yes, there are evil attacks against Christian marriages and families, and the biblical proof text is found in Ephesians 6:12 – “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil […]
by Milt Hughes On April 14th of 1997, Gladys Hughes went to be with her Lord in heaven. She was a dear friend and valued member of our GTO Board of Directors. A few weeks ago, Milt, her husband of 46 years, wrote a letter to the men in his church in Nashville, Tennessee. His […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly I guess this Seeds for Growth article grows out of our intensified sense of need we described in the HI-LYTER. Perhaps it’s true you never realize the true value of something until you do without it for awhile. Here in Nashville we have done without close friends for nearly a […]
by Patrick and Dwaina Six What is going on in your life? If you are like most of us, there is pain in your past—you have experienced disappointment, failure, and loss. Maybe there is considerable pressure in the present, and perhaps you are fearful of the future. There is a man in the Bible who […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Our wedding picture sits on the bookshelf in our living room. A young, starry eyed couple smiles expectantly from inside an ornate silver frame, displayed for all to see. That’s our picture, and it is very special to us. If you tore it or in any way damaged that picture, […]
Martin Luther’s famous words as he stood before Emperor Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire – “Here I stand. I can do no other” – echo loudly for every Christian now that the US Supreme Court has ruled that homosexual marriage is a civil right. The Emperor expected…demanded…that Luther recant his belief that only […]
When one is in the initial stages of grief, the natural tendency is to take flight—flight from people and flight from God—pushing both away from you. After April 28, 1992, when Riverside County made their decision against our use of Spring Meadows, Idyllwild, California, we struggled with that tendency. We entered a grieving process—just as […]