by Harold and Bette Gillogly Last week we talked about how putting the right ingredients in will give you the right results out. Simple principle, but it works. We promised to let you in on the 8 ingredients that makes love last forever. So here are the first two. The first and most important – […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Sugar and salt look a lot alike, don’t they? But what happens if you substitute a cup of salt to your cake recipe in place of sugar? Your cake is a flop! Not even the dog will eat it! Here’s the simple truth. Life is like cake. You put the […]
by Patrick and Dwaina Six It’s the little things that count. It’s the butter on your popcorn. It’s the icing on the cake. It’s the pickles on your burger. It’s the…well, you get the idea! In marriage, it is the little things that can keep a marriage strong and vibrant. Think with us for a […]
by Bob and Yvonne Turnbull In this fast-paced, hectic world, do you and your mate wish you had more time for each other? Have you ever felt like the pilot who was lost over the Pacific Ocean and radioed “I have good news and bad news. The bad news is I do not know where […]
by Harold & Bette Gillogly Life often gets tense and intense. Where has the laughter gone? Larry and Helen’s relationship is drying up because there’s no more fun in it. They want the joy back. But how? What can they do to change their lives, their relationship? Can they change? George has a problem. He […]
Believe your marriage will thrive, and it will. By Sheila Weber Do you remember how you felt when you first met “the one”? It was likely an exciting time as you prepared to embark on a lifetime of love with your soulmate. All too often, however, that love that feels so all-consuming in the early […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Jesus said we are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). Then that would make the church the salt shaker. Salt keeps things from rotting. God is calling the church to spread the salt…to stop the rot in our society. Looking at what has been happening to families since the […]
Want to start a revolution…in your marriage? This study will help. We encourage you to go through this as a couple, and then start reading God’s Word and praying together regularly. We guarantee it will revolutionize your marriage! Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls […]
by Bob & Yvonne Turnbull Have you noticed that too much hurry and speed of life can put a serious crimp in a marriage? We often think we will have time for one another when life slows down. Interesting how that time never seems to arrive. Before we know it, we have drifted apart in […]
by Harold & Bette Gillogly Over the years, we have been asked how we met and fell in love. So we decided we had better write it all down while our minds are still clear enough to remember the details. It is especially appropriate we write this now, as this Sunday (June 11, 2000) will […]