by Harold and Bette Gillogly Assumptions will kill your relationships! Assumptions like, “She just said that to hurt me.” “He did that because he doesn’t care what I think.” “We can’t talk about it because she (he) will just get mad and we’ll end up in a fight. So why bother?” It’s not just that […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly I was on the phone making an appointment for a medical test I needed. Harold was sitting close enough to hear the conversation. Monday morning, three weeks away, was the earliest appointment available, so I took it. Harold said softly, “It has to be Monday?” I assumed he meant […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Conflict is exhausting! It’s depressing! It’s a joy-stealer! So, do you want to conquer it? How badly? The Bible has the secret to conquering conflict, but it’s going to cost you. The real question is: are you willing to pay the price to conquer conflict in your marriage? If you […]
By Harold and Bette GilloglyImagine yourself in a small prison cell. It looks familiar. You may have seen it before. And then you recognize it. It’s the prison called “unforgiveness.” You look around. There are several doors in the walls of your cell. Each one has a sign over it. The first sign you […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly ANGER – Turn on the news. Venture into the caustic world of social media. It’s everywhere! People are angry… some for very good reasons. And some for very bad reasons. Anger is a tricky emotion, that’s why the Scriptures say a lot about it. Take a look at Ephesians 4:26 through […]
It seemed like all we could think about…all we could talk about…was how badly we had been hurt by someone who was supposed to be our pastor, our shepherd. We kept turning over and over in our minds what he had said. What we had said. What we should have said. What zinger we should […]
Gloria’s father was abusive and mean. She recalls that as a child, her only emotion toward her father was fear. Today, as a forty-year-old woman, she still has trouble believing God could possibly want good for her. That He can truly be trusted. As a parent, and especially as a father, you teach your children […]
Part 4: The Flags of the Spiritby Harold and Bette Gillogly Being filled with God’s Spirit is for kids too! They don’t have to wait ‘til they’re 21 to experience the incredible joy of having the Spirit of God fill them up. They can choose to live in Green Flag territory instead of the slums […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly Feelings of forgiveness do not happen in a vacuum. We don’t wake up one morning and say, “I’m not going to feel resentment toward that person who hurt me anymore.” Shazam! Nope. Doesn’t happen that way. Our emotions change as we change our behavior. We can’t simply say. We have […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly We talked about the first kind of forgiveness in our last two blogs: “to cancel a debt, to pardon.” Today we’re going to explore the second kind, and we want to warn you, this one is harder than the first. The second kind of forgiveness means “to relinquish resentment against […]