By Harold Gillogly We see how we appreciate things once we do without them for some period of time. Consider how you feel when the electric power comes back on after spending hours or days without it. Or if you are so thirsty for a long time, how wonderful is it to then get that […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly Does God call you to do things too difficult for you to do? Or are they simple things that feel too difficult to do? The prophet Elisha told Naaman, the mighty commander of Aram’s army, to simply go and wash 7 times in the Jordan River and he would be […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Ok, we’re going to get real honest here. Sometimes our prayer life gets ho-hum…same-o, same-o. Does yours ever seem that way? We wish we could say that we are always pro-active and take immediate action to do something about it. But the truth is, this time we became challenged one […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly We’ve talked about the first four ingredients you have to choose to practice in your marriage IF you want it to last. (Ingredients in. Results out.) See those articles in the “Recent Posts” in the right margin. Here are ingredients five and six: Talking Together Choice: So you sat your […]
by Bob & Yvonne Turnbull Yes, there are evil attacks against Christian marriages and families, and the biblical proof text is found in Ephesians 6:12 – “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly There’s a reason we are so passionate about our book Experiencing Oneness. According to a Focus on the Family study, couples who regularly read the Bible together, pray together and attend church together have a dramatically low divorce rate — only 1 out of @ 1000. Our goal is to […]
by Harold and Bette GilloglyThere is a very special oneness that grows inside a couple when they serve God together. That’s because God has called you to be a team. Not just any team – He wants you to be His team. He has a unique job for you to do as His team…a job […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Have you ever taken on a job at church because you knew somebody had to do it, but within a short time you were exhausted by it — it just wasn’t you — you burned out fast? Do you know why this happened? Why do some jobs match you and […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Adam thought he had it made! He lived in a beautiful garden…lush plants…no bugs…no weeds, he keep it like this with tools from The weather was perfect. The sun was warm upon his face…no rain…not too cold…not too hot. But something was missing. Something was “not good.” God knew […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly You would think that with a Seminary education, many years of ministry as well as many years “under the belt” (and over half a century of marriage now), one would have only marginal life-changing lessons yet to apply – WRONG! Bette and I have learned a great deal over the […]