GTO (Growing Toward Oneness) Marriage Ministries is a non-profit ministry which exists to help couples around the world prepare for and strengthen their marriages and learn how to minister effectively to other couples in need., the website for GTO (Growing Toward Oneness), serves couples 24/7 where and when they need help or support.Online on-demand marriage webinars enable couples to access more than 50 hours of practical Biblical teaching

Harold & Bette Gillogly

Married since 1966
Speakers since 1983
Based in Tennessee
Popular marriage speakers
Authors of two books & various
magazine articles

on marriage-related subjects such as communication and conflict resolution, physical and emotional intimacy, and spiritual connectedness.

In addition to the webinars, offers articles, romantic tips, the exclusive 3-part Oneness Wedding Candle and the interactive couple’s study, Experiencing Oneness.

GTO Marriage Ministries. Ministering to marriages since 1983.