Free On Demand Webinars

You + Me = The WE Team

If God has called you into marriage ministry, then He wants you to learn how to really be His team

Working with Different Personalities: Effective Use of the 5-Minute DISC Test

Learn how to use an easy D.I.S.C. personality test and show you how to help different personality types work together in harmony.

How to Be a Successful Small Group Leader

Discover simple skills you need to be the small group leader you’ve always wanted to be

Speaking Effectively Using the PIER Method

As a Speaker/Teacher, the PIER method allows you the flexibility within your presentation without losing the impact of your message

Introduction to Couple to Couple Mentoring

Learn how you can make a positive difference in another couple’s marriage or future marriage

Speaking Effectively Using the SCORRE Method

A step-by-step guide to developing and presenting an effective talk…one that will inspire your audience


Webinars Available in our Store

Marriage Leader Training Course

GTO’s unique online training course for lay marriage ministry leaders and teachers that trains couples to minister to other couples