Fighting & Conflict Webinar Series
In any relationship, anger and conflict are inevitable. Learn how to fight fair and break the cycle of fighting in GTO Marriage Ministries’ 3-part webinar series.
Whenever two people spend a significant amount of time together, anger is inevitable! But you can choose how to handle it. It is even possible to achieve GROWTH in your relationships through conflict. But how do you learn how to navigate the troubled waters of conflict and fighting?
GTO Marriage Ministries’ is proud to offer a 3-part webinar series to teach you all about Fighting and Conflict. You CAN honor God – and your marriage – in how you handle anger. Broken relationships do not have to be the inevitable results of conflict. Fighting doesn’t have to lead to destruction.
In Rules of Engagement (Parts 1 & 2) we give you 14 rules for fighting fair. So often in our fights we simply try to win at any cost, even if we have to deeply hurt our spouse. We have to learn a whole new way of fighting – keeping it clean and fair. Following these rules for fighting will help those disagreements be more productive than destructive.
Breaking the Cycle of Fighting teaches you how to recognize your pattern of fighting and how to break it. Did you know you even had a pattern of fighting? Well, you do! This webinar will help you discover what it is and how to stop it, making your home a much happier place.
Each session is approximately 1 hour long. A fill-in-the-blank listening guide is provided to help you follow along. The on-demand format allows you to watch whenever is convenient for you. GTO’s teachings are Biblically-based and are punctuated by humor and real-life applications. These online marriage workshops can be effective tools in strengthening your marriage or any other relationship.