by Harold and Bette Gillogly Cindy sloshed her mug of tea on the table with shaky hands. “You want to WHAT?” She glared with wide eyes and open mouth at her husband George. “I want to move back east and take that job Alpha Corporation offered me. I hate my job here, you know that. […]
It isn’t something we hear much about. Haven’t seen many books about it. Haven’t heard any preachers preach about it. And yet, it’s probably one of the most important issues in a Christian couple’s relationship….Spiritual intimacy. We hear a lot about physical intimacy — the uninhibited sharing of ourselves through our bodies. All one has […]
by Patrick and Dwaina Six What is going on in your life? If you are like most of us, there is pain in your past—you have experienced disappointment, failure, and loss. Maybe there is considerable pressure in the present, and perhaps you are fearful of the future. There is a man in the Bible who […]
Want to start a revolution…in your marriage? This study will help. We encourage you to go through this as a couple, and then start reading God’s Word and praying together regularly. We guarantee it will revolutionize your marriage! Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Our wedding picture sits on the bookshelf in our living room. A young, starry eyed couple smiles expectantly from inside an ornate silver frame, displayed for all to see. That’s our picture, and it is very special to us. If you tore it or in any way damaged that picture, […]
by Harold & Bette Gillogly There was a man who owned a vineyard. One morning he told his first son to go work in the vineyard that day. But his son felt lazy and wanted to sleep in, so he replied, “Awww, Dad, I don’t wanna.” A little later, however, he got up and went […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly The concept of “two becoming one” in marriage is first declared in Genesis 2:24. It is stated again by Jesus in Matthew 19:4-6 and finally by Paul in Ephesians 5:31-32. Much has been said about the meaning of oneness, about the process of becoming one, about how this ONENESS is […]
by Patrick & Dwaina Six The fact they were both in my office was enough to give the young wife hope their marriage could be saved. Prior to this meeting, her husband was bound and determined to end their eight year union. During our conversation, we talked about their past, their relationship with God, their […]
by Patrick & Dwaina Six Several years ago, we faced a difficult and stressful situation. Feelings of hurt, fear, and frustration festered and ultimately turned into anger. As the anger took root, it threatened to change us into bitter, disillusioned people. We had to make a choice. Holding on to the anger meant risking damage […]
by Harold & Bette Gillogly When people talk about hope, what they usually mean is “wish.” “I hope this will happen.” “I wish that would happen.” But when the Bible speaks of hope, what it means is “confidence.” Because of who God is, and what He has done in the past, we are confident of […]