by Harold and Bette Gillogly It worked for the Psalmist. When David wrote Psalm 30, he wasn’t simply writing nice lyrics to fit a tune. These words are TRUTH and they are powerful: You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you […]
Authors: Patrick and Dwaina Six Have you ever found yourself caught up in the “If only” syndrome? If only we had more money. If only we had a bigger house. If only we had children. If only our children were grown. If only our grown children would act like grown-ups! If only we had more […]
To love is a COMMAND. During our engagement, we heard a speaker say that love is “a maximum of evaluation and a minimum of emotion.” We, like any other engaged couple, didn’t believe that for a minute. We had a maximum of emotion and a minimum of evaluation. But after we were married for awhile, […]