By Harold Gillogly We see how we appreciate things once we do without them for some period of time. Consider how you feel when the electric power comes back on after spending hours or days without it. Or if you are so thirsty for a long time, how wonderful is it to then get that […]
By Harold and Bette Gillogly Does God call you to do things too difficult for you to do? Or are they simple things that feel too difficult to do? The prophet Elisha told Naaman, the mighty commander of Aram’s army, to simply go and wash 7 times in the Jordan River and he would be […]
By Harold & Bette Gillogly Why pray when you can worry? Say what? Yes, we know it’s backwards, but it gets the point across. It’s downright foolish to waste time worrying, when you could be doing something that could change the whole situation. Right? It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But sometimes, we just can’t […]