Free On Demand Webinars

How to Change Your Attitude

Our attitudes, emotions and behavior are governed by our thinking. If we change our thinking, we will change our attitudes.

Life’s True Joy

Everyone seeks happiness, but true joy comes only from investing your life in other

5 Characteristics of an Encourager

Discover the five characteristics of an encourager and benefit from putting them into practice

A Better Way to Get What You Want

Manipulation is as harmful to the one who manipulates as it is to the one being manipulated.  It will steal your joy and peace.

What Did You Expect?

Hanging on to our expectations guarantees our unhappiness, because we refuse to be satisfied with anything less than what we expect.


Webinars Available in our Store

Battle for the Mind (7 part series)

We are all engaged in a battle for our minds every day. Learn how to recognize the four most prevalent patterns of wrong thinking and hear how God says we can win the battle to think right.



Ebenezers vs Mental Monsters

Reminders of the positive can conquer negative thoughts

Happiness…and How to Get It

Choosing to believe God’s truth about happiness can change your life