When one is in the initial stages of grief, the natural tendency is to take flight—flight from people and flight from God—pushing both away from you. After April 28, 1992, when Riverside County made their decision against our use of Spring Meadows, Idyllwild, California, we struggled with that tendency. We entered a grieving process—just as […]
Yes, it’s true. These are hard times for America. Our economy is deeply wounded. The stock market is on a roller coaster. Some folks have lost their retirement. Others have lost their jobs. In addition, our country is in a life and death struggle with Muslim extremists who are bent on our destruction. All this […]
Yes, it’s true. These are hard times for America. Our economy is deeply wounded. The stock market is on a roller coaster. Some folks have lost their retirement. Others have lost their jobs. In addition, our country is in a life and death struggle with Muslim extremists who are bent on our destruction. All this […]