by Harold and Bette GilloglyThere is a very special oneness that grows inside a couple when they serve God together. That’s because God has called you to be a team. Not just any team – He wants you to be His team. He has a unique job for you to do as His team…a job […]
by Harold & Bette Gillogly Remember in our last Seeds for Growth, we found out there were two roads leading to two entirely different places. The first road is paved with “ought to be’s” – my wife ought to be…. My husband ought to be…. My children ought to be…. This road leads to a […]
by Harold & Bette Gillogly We all came into marriage with expectations — some realistic, some not so realistic. “My wife ought to be like Carol Brady.” “My husband ought to be like Ozzie Nelson.” “And my children ought to be like Beaver Cleaver.” But soon after the vows are said, reality sets in. REALITY […]
by Harold & Bette Gillogly When people talk about hope, what they usually mean is “wish.” “I hope this will happen.” “I wish that would happen.” But when the Bible speaks of hope, what it means is “confidence.” Because of who God is, and what He has done in the past, we are confident of […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly It worked for the Psalmist. When David wrote Psalm 30, he wasn’t simply writing nice lyrics to fit a tune. These words are TRUTH and they are powerful: You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you […]
Authors: Bill and Bridget Dunk Today’s society would have you believe all you need to be happy is that new car – that new job – the latest and greatest gadget – even a new hair color has the promise of happiness in “television land.” But happiness is NOT what we need – it is […]
We are commanded by the Holy Spirit to encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thess. 5:11). If you know the Lord, then, hopefully, you take this command pretty seriously. You try your best to encourage those who are DIScouraged. But is that enough? Is there more to this command than meets the […]