Real Love Walking

Real love is so much more than a feeling. It’s very nature is full of action, sacrifice, and commitment. You can’t just “muster up” love – it’s a choice. Not only that, it’s a Divine commandment. And merely saying “I love you” doesn’t cut it. So what does true love look like in “real” life?

Real Love is spoken by actions – over and over and over again. Real Love is the kind that is proven by serving your mate’s needs with a kind, gentle and steadfast spirit. It does not have to be earned but must be given unconditionally. God even calls us to love our enemies! The good news is He doesn’t leave us alone to figure it out by ourselves. He equips us with all we need to be obedient to Him.

Learn what God tells us about the true nature of love and how you can put your love into action in this free webinar.