Marriage Leader Training Course


GTO’s unique online training course for lay marriage ministry leaders and teachers trains couples to minister to other couples.


Is God calling you to the privilege of ministering to other couples? 

GTO has developed a practical, Biblical, affordable marriage leader training course to equip couples to be effective lay marriage ministers and teachers…marriage missionaries in their local churches. So whether you’re heading up your church’s marriage ministry, leading a small group or stepping out to help marriages in your community, GTO Marriage Ministries can provide practical tools and helps for doing classes, home groups and/or events to help couples.

Course Overview:

  1. When your order is received, GTO will send you a pdf document containing links to the training webinars and their listening guides. Watch each of the Training Webinars (online, on-demand workshops) as a couple, using a printed Listening Guide for each session.
  2. After completing the required Training Webinars, purchase the Certification Session (must be purchased separately). When your order is received, GTO will contact you to set up a face-to-face internet meeting with Harold & Bette. This meeting will last about 1.5 hours, during which they will watch you teach together, answer your questions and offer advice about your particular ministry situation.
  3. Once you’ve completed all the requirements of our training course, you will be certified by GTO Marriage Ministries as qualified lay marriage ministers and teachers and commissioned to what God has called you to.

Course Content:

  1. You + Me = The WE Team – Since God has called you to be husband and wife teams to help others, He wants you to learn how to really be His team. We will help you examine some new concepts and processes that will help you become the team He wants you to be.
  2. Marriage Ministry in the Local Church: Why It’s Essential to the Great Commission – Strong families and marriages are foundational to a strong church and its ability to reach others with the gospel. Learn why marriage ministry is so vital in fulfilling the Great Commission in this informative webinar.
  3. Five Steps to Effective Marriage Ministry in Your Local Church – There are 5 key components to a successful marriage ministry in the local church. Following this strategy will help you and your team build a strong framework for an effective marriage ministry in your church.
  4. Working With Different Personalities: Effective Use of the 5-Minute DISC Test– Understanding your own and your mate’s personality patterns, as well as those of other couples with whom you work, will help you be a more effective minister to marriages and families. We will teach you how to use an easy D.I.S.C. assessment and how to help different personality types work and relate together in harmony.
  5. Getting Closer to God and Each Other: Reading and Praying Together – You cannot lead beyond where you yourselves are as a couple. That’s why it’s important for leader couples to develop a deep relationship with God and each other. This session will help make reading the Word and praying together a fun and deepening reality in your marriage.
  6. Seven Secrets of Effective Team Teaching: How to Successfully Teach as a Husband/Wife Team – ANY couple can learn to teach together effectively as a team. It’s not just for the few couples who seem to have been born with a special style for teaching together. These seven secrets will help you learn the skills you need to develop your own style. You will be surprised at how effective you can become by putting these principles into practice…together.
  7. How to Be a Successful Small Group Leader: Achieving Authenticity in Your Classes and Home Groups – Learning specific principles about what makes a group tick can make you a better leader. And, learning how to model and encourage authenticity can help your group develop a deep bond – koinonia. This webinar will teach you the simple skills you need to be the small group leader – Sunday School teacher, cell group leader, Bible study leader – you’ve always wanted to be.
  8. How to Develop Your Teaching Session from Start to Finish– Suppose you are asked to teach several classes together next month on marriage. Where on earth do you start? How do you decide what to teach? How do you put an effective teaching session together? How do you make it interesting and valuable? DON’T WORRY! IT’S SIMPLE! We will guide you step by step in developing your teaching session, whether you want to make someone else’s resource your own or want to start from scratch.
  9. How To Plan for Successful Marriage Enrichment Events – Whether you want to plan a marriage conference, couples’ dinner or a simple date night, you must take many details into consideration. You will also need a team to help you – a team that knows exactly what their responsibilities are. In this webinar, we will help you think through the entire process and develop a template for preparing for any marriage event.
  10. Speaking Effectively Using the PIER Method – If you are a Speaker/Teacher you may find your allotted time it not what your expected. The difficulty you face is adjusting your presentation on the spot to the actual time allotted. The PIER method allows you that flexibility without losing the impact of your message.
  11. Are you a Round Peg in a Square Hole? Finding Your Unique Motivated Abilities Pattern (MAP) – Are you a round peg in a square hole? Or maybe a square peg in a round hole? God has made you with a perfect fit in mind…in ministry and career. In this workshop/lab, you will discover your unique niche. You and your spouse will understand each other better, and you’ll be able to go forward better equipped to help your children to each find their niche too.
  12. Introduction to Couple to Couple Mentoring – Are you investing in the lives of any younger couples? Would you like to do it better? Would you like to feel well prepared to make a positive difference in another couple’s marriage or future marriage? This mentoring webinar will help you get started.
  13. Speaking Effectively Using the SCORRE Method – Popular speakers Ed and Nixie Laremore will take you step-by-step through the process of developing and presenting an effective talk…one that will inspire your audience.