How To Reach Agreement on Major Decisions
Learn seven steps to reaching complete agreement in decision making.
Major decisions CAN be made without strife and discord! A move, a job change, the kids’ education….You and your spouse will face many major decisions throughout your life together. Wouldn’t you like to make them in the most stress-free way possible? Couples often don’t consider the most important inputs in making major decisions. As a result, they don’t reach satisfying agreement on them. Blame and resentment ensue when the decision does not work out as desired.
In this workshop, you will learn seven steps to reaching complete agreement in decision making. This allows both husband and wife OWN the decision and step forward in unity. You’ll discover that multiple sources of input are important in making an objective decision. When you learn to let go of your own opinion, even admitting that your spouse’s idea may have merit, you both may discover that there’s almost always a third option – God’s way! You can achieve a “couple idea,” perhaps involving both of your ideas with some tweaks, made together and without stress and discord.
This online workshop is available on demand and is approximately 60 minutes in length. A fill-in-the-blank listening guide is provided to assist the listener in taking notes.