
First Two Ingredients to Make Love Last Forever

by Harold and Bette Gillogly

Last week we talked about how putting the right ingredients in will give you the right results out.  Simple principle, but it works.  We promised to let you in on the 8 ingredients that makes love last forever.  So here are the first two.

  1. The first and most important – The No Divorce Choice. It’s best to make this choice on day 1 of your marriage.  If you’re already past day 1, then do it TODAY.  The two of you sit down and make a covenant together that from now on, divorce will never be a choice in your relationship.  No matter what!

When God first created Adam and Eve, He said something very profound to them.  “A man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.”  Interesting choice of words, cleave.  It means “to be permanently glued together.”  The Father’s words are repeated twice in the New Testament, so this is not just an Old Testament thing.  Jesus repeats it in Matthew 19:5.  And Paul repeats it in Ephesians 5:31.  Not only that, but God declares unequivocally in Malachi 2:16 that ‘He hates divorce’!  Why is God so emphatic about this?  Because He knew how two people who have been “glued together” will tear themselves – and each other – to shreds pulling apart.  And He loves you too much to see you and your family be torn to shreds.

So make the No Divorce Choice!

  1. The second ingredient – Loyalty and Trust Choice. Loyalty is being true, constant and faithful to our spouse. Loyalty inspires trust.  They are interwoven like a single piece of cloth.  Every day, you each are given the opportunity to choose to be loyal to your spouse in the way you think, speak and act.  Your choice.  And every time you chose rightly, you strengthen your bond of trust.  1 Corinthians 13:7 says that love “…always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

Loyalty and trust make your love comfortable.  You can be yourselves with each other because you can trust each other’s love.  It’s that part of love that gives you a sense of belonging and safety.

You can begin to develop Loyalty and Trust today, even if you haven’t been very successful at it in the past.  The Holy Spirit says He is ready to pour this ingredient into you both if you will simply choose to let Him be in charge.  Galatians 5:22 – But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.

So make the Loyalty and Trust Choice!

We encourage you to follow our blog through August and discover what the rest of these 8 ingredients are and how to put them into practice.  We also encourage you to read our article titled Have You Burned Your Ships? ( and watch our webinar Real Love Walking, ( for more help in making your love last forever.