Don’t worry about anything. Well, that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? There is so much to worry about right now! Just look around. A lot of people have lost their jobs, their businesses. They are feeling hopeless and see no end to this horrible pandemic. Many are sick. Some have died. So how can […]
Part 3: The Flags of the Spirit by Harold and Bette Gillogly We promised you in our last blog that with this one we were going to jump into the deep end of the pool! So here we go! Ephesians 5:22-24 is a continuation of Paul’s teaching about how we can tell if we are […]
Part 2, The Flags of the Spiritby Harold and Bette Gillogly Red Flag – Stop! Something is wrong! Green Flag – You are going in the right direction. It’s safe to keep going! These are the Flags we’ve been finding as we’ve journeyed through Ephesians, chapter 5, for as verse 15 warns us: “Be careful […]
If you’re smart, when you see a red flag, you immediately stop and find out what it’s all about, because something’s wrong. But when you see a green flag, that tells you you’re on the right track, so you keep going. It makes complete sense that we begin our series on the Flags of the […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Making love last forever. That’s what you want, isn’t it? And everything that comes with it? So what’s the secret? Putting the right ingredients in gives the right results out! We talked last week about the first two essential ingredients you need to use. So let’s get right into the […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Ever wonder why “deadly sins” are called “deadly sins”? It must be because they are …well …deadly. Capable of destroying you. Take for instance, PRIDE. It might just be the deadliest of all sins. Why do you think that is? In Proverbs 6:16-19, God lists 7 things He hates, and […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Summer is a terrific time to celebrate being a couple! Life can get so intense, can’t it? Maybe your life is full of a lot of “gotta’s.” We’ve gotta earn a living. We’ve gotta take the kids to soccer. We’ve gotta mow the lawn. Perhaps your life is so full of “gotta’s” that you have pushed […]
by Harold and Bette GilloglyThere is a very special oneness that grows inside a couple when they serve God together. That’s because God has called you to be a team. Not just any team – He wants you to be His team. He has a unique job for you to do as His team…a job […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly Have you ever taken on a job at church because you knew somebody had to do it, but within a short time you were exhausted by it — it just wasn’t you — you burned out fast? Do you know why this happened? Why do some jobs match you and […]
by Harold and Bette Gillogly I guess this Seeds for Growth article grows out of our intensified sense of need we described in the HI-LYTER. Perhaps it’s true you never realize the true value of something until you do without it for awhile. Here in Nashville we have done without close friends for nearly a […]