When our former board member, Gladys Hughes, found out she had cancer and was steadily weakening, she asked GTO to take over making her wedding unity candle. Gladys had been making these beautiful, meaningful wedding candles since the day she witnessed a unity candle ceremony during a friend’s wedding. As bride and groom lit the center candle and then blew theirs out, Gladys realized that was not the symbol of what should really happen. The husband and wife do not stop being who they are, rather they join their lives together to become “one.” God describes their oneness to be like the oneness of the God-head (Deuteronomy 6:4 and Matthew 19:4-6).
So Gladys started making a three-part candle which would fit together to make one candle. She had been making them for several years by then and wanted them to go on being made. We, of course, agreed and have been producing them ever since.